RobRulez |于2021年10月12日发布


我在2020年的头几个月买了Knotfest的门票,然后新冠肺炎来了,毁了所有人的比赛。各地的演出都被取消了。现场音乐停止了。但后来,在2021年,他们又开始卖演唱会门票了,我又买了Knotfest的门票。终于能再次看到Slipknot的现场直播,而不是重温过去YouTube上的演唱会视频,我很兴奋。2021年10月到了,LiveNation在所有的节目中都进行了健康筛查。我很抱歉,但我没病,也没病过。我去过东海岸的几个不同的地方,但还没有生病。我知道这是真的,因为我有两个家庭成员可能患有这种疾病,但他们住在辅助生活区。那么谁真正了解这种病毒呢? The government has screwed us again with our president, now with our rights to freedom. I've spent thousands of dollars in my lifetime at concerts and never seen anything like a health screening venue. BS I call. I've asked LiveNation for a full refund and I'm disappointed that I can't go to Sunday's show in Charlotte, NC. Thanks to the China virus. Rock on my fellow Slipknot breathern and Godspeed.

  1. 玛丽莎 说:


  2. traumahound00 说:


  3. ladydeathknot13 说:

    Livenation did not make it easy my requiring a PCR test, but if you want to go, you have to get the shot or the test ♀️ I had the antibodies shots, but they have no options for proof of that – I still have antibodies running around in me I cannot even get vaccinated right now. Thank goodness my results came back this morning, the show is tomorrow night!!
